Our Services




A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a complete evaluation of an individual’s overall current needs, behavior excesses and skill repertoire. The process begins with an indirect assessment, consisting of an intake questionnaire that may be answered by the client or those closest to them (i.e., Caregivers, Parents, etc.). The questionnaire will focus on the individual’s background, history and current concerns. Next, direct observations will take place in the individual’s natural environment and in order to determine the individual’s current skill levels. This process will aid in the development of clinical goals and a cohesive plan to pave the road to each individual’s most independent lives. 

  • Indirect Assessment - conducting interviews and questionnaires with primary caregivers, family members and teachers

  • Direct Assessment - direct observation of the individual’s skills and behaviors across various settings (i.e. home, school, community) and interactions with individuals

  • A comprehensive assessment report detailing the individuals strengths, skill deficits, behaviors of concerns and a developed behavior intervention plan (BIP)


Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is best known for its success in treating individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (e.g., Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities). Treatment in this area is effective across an individual’s lifespan (i.e., childhood, adolescence, adulthood). In individuals with developmental disabilities, the goal of intensive, comprehensive intervention is to improve cognitive, language, social, and self-help skills. ABA involves teaching behaviors essential to functioning effectively in the home, school, and community. ABA can also decrease severe problem behaviors that endanger health and safety, and limit educational, residential, or vocational options.

  • One-on-One ABA Therapy in the comfort of your own home

  • Individualized Person-Centered Plans

  • Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans and Modifications of the individuals environment

  • Program Supervision

  • Caregiver integration to facilitate and ensure generalization and maintenance of skills taught



Providing in-school one-on-one behavioral support, facilitating social interactions with peers, transitioning between activities and following classroom instructions. Throughout this service we put in place, modify and implement behavior intervention plans (BIPs), provide reliable and ongoing data collection methods, report quarterly update of progress and engage in collaboration with teachers to ensure that our client is successful in their school and classroom environments. 

  • Consultation and collaboration with School Districts, Teachers and Staff

  • One-on-one support in the school and classroom

  • Support during IEP meetings

  • Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) and Modifications of the individuals environment

  • Function Behavior Assessments (FBA)



Parent Education is a service implemented to provide client and family specific education to families on the basic principles of ABA. Parent education entails various approaches such as one on one powerpoint presentations to discuss ABA strategies and how to implement them with your child, ongoing support throughout the time of service, as well as observations in the home and community. Throughout the parent education services goals are put in place in addition to the education provided in order for caregiver to target specific needs with their child. Strategies such as Behavior Skills Training (BST) are utilized in order to model the implementation of strategies for the caregivers to utilize in their day to day lives. Parent education paves the way to long lasting change for your child and family.

  • One-on-One parent meetings

  • Lessons that focus around your and your family’s primary needs

  • Individuals goals and programs to implement with your child

  • Training on implementation of client specific goals

  • Group based meetings with parents



Collaborating with parents, teachers, and other professionals to provide helpful tools and pave the way to success as they assist individuals in need of behavioral support.

  • One-on-One Meetings

  • Discussion that focus on primary concerns and challenges

  • A focus on various tools that can be implemented across a wide range of individuals and settings

  • Teachings of the basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis

  • Direct observations of areas of concerns